Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Package

An offering of naturopathic treatment, education, supplements, testing and “skills for life”

Offering a package for children, teenagers and adults who think they may have ADHD or have received an official diagnosis.

The package is an offering of treatment, education, supplements, testing and “skills for life”.


  • Understanding what ADHD is
  • How it is officially diagnosed
  • Understanding causes as to how this condition is developed
  • Understanding your unique picture and type of ADHD and best treatment to help you optimise brain function, nervous system health, emotional wellbeing, diet, nutrient levels and lifestyle
  • Becoming empowered in your health, helping to access your superpowers and drop any shame around having ADHD and the challenges it can present

This package is delivered as a series of Naturopathic sessions which will include assessment, education and treatment, delivered in a way that is bite size, easy to implement and will give you skills and resources that will be reference materials for years to come. It also includes communication and collaboration with your Dr, Specialist, Psychiatrist or health care professional. Basic email and phone support is offered between naturopathic sessions.

  • This package is suitable for children, teenagers or adults who are on medications, who don’t take medications, are wondering about medications or would like to discuss reducing medication. Education is offered around potential side effects of medications and mitigating these.
  • I am a safe and experienced Integrative Naturopath. I communicate and aim to collaborate with other health practitioners in your health team including psychiatrists, psychologists, GP, specialists and allied health practitioners so that any interventions or adjustments are done safely and under the guidance of your whole health team.

The ADHD package includes…

An initial 90 minute Naturopathic Appt to:

  • Get an extensive understanding of your type of ADHD and how it presents,
  • Do a full health history, dietary analysis and body systems review (ie assess all systems of health to understand the whole picture of your health)
  • Get an understanding of any questions you may have regarding your unique situation

A second 90 minute Naturopathic Appt to:

  • Address any questions raised from the initial appointment
  • Go through our initial plan of naturopathic treatment with clear explanation of prescribed nutrients and expected outcomes & dietary and/or lifestyle adjustments (all verbally explained but also resources given to take home)
  • Instructions for any recommended testing ie; blood testing privately or with GP, Any other tests indicated ie hair mineral analysis, stool testing, genetic testing.

A third 60 minute Naturopathic Appt to:

  • Assess and build on initial naturopathic treatment, making any adjustments necessary.
  • Education around the possible physical factors behind ADHD (personalised for you) and a holistic range of treatment options to assist in the long term.

A fourth 60 minute Naturopathic Appt to:

  • Review any testing results and adjustment of naturopathic treatment plan
  • Education around the emotional causative factors behind ADHD (personalised for you) and a holistic range of treatment options to assist in the long term.

A fifth 60 minute Naturopathic Appt to:

  • Assess, adjust or build on naturopathic treatment
  • Review any further testing done
  • Address any questions
  • Education around neuroplasticity and brain retraining for ADHD

A sixth 90 minute Naturopathic Appt where you will be provided with:

  • A detailed report of any testing results and advice for any future testing
  • An Ebook of all relevant resources including resources for the future
  • Naturopathic treatment to continue with (with options to continue naturopathic appts and care)
The price for the ADHD package is offered at two different levels:

Level 1

  • All naturopathic sessions and resources as outlined above
  • 3 x letters to Dr’s specialists or health practitioners
  • $600 of Naturopathic herbs and supplements
  • Detailed gut and stool testing
  • Comprehensive DNA testing or Hair Mineral Analysis
$3399 (payment plans are available) To purchase this level 1 package, or should you have any questions, please schedule a 10 minute discovery call

Level 2

  • All naturopathic sessions and resources as outlined above
  • 2 x letters to Dr’s specialists or health practitioners
  • $350 of Naturopathic herbs and supplements
$2399 (payment plans are available) To purchase this level 2 package, or should you have any questions, please schedule a 10 minute discovery call

We try and do as much testing with Medicare through collaboration with your GP – but there may be minimal charges for any private pathology testing.

To purchase one of these packages, or should you have any questions, please schedule a 10 minute discovery call.

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